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UN3- Unless and if not

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UN3- Unless and if notVersión en línea

Put the two sentences together

por F M

1 . The traffic will improve . We build more roads . ( if not )
1 . Answer : The traffic won't improve .
2 Pollution will be reduced . We use cleaner transport . ( unless )
2 . Answer : ? t unless we use cleaner transport .
3 We provide a solution . People will get to work on time ( if not )
3 . Answer : ? t , people won ? t get to work on time .
4 We will solve the traffic problem . We build houses closer to the business areas . ( unless )
4 . Answer : ? t unless we build houses closer to the business areas .
5 . The city invests in public transport . There will be less congestion . ( if not )
5 . Answer : ? t , there won ? t be less congestion .

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