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Mehiläinen: Sentences 4 Oct. 2022

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Let's review some terms in your program "The Work-Ability Journey" with this activity. You will need to complete the sentences by clicking on the terms listed on the right. Remember you need to do this activity in order, that is start with the first sentences and work your way down one by one, as the word you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

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Mehiläinen: Sentences 4 Oct. 2022Versión en línea

Let's review some terms in your program "The Work-Ability Journey" with this activity. You will need to complete the sentences by clicking on the terms listed on the right. Remember you need to do this activity in order, that is start with the first sentences and work your way down one by one, as the word you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

por Marietta Chela

1 . The health check identifies work - related health and hazards .
2 . Your basic physical and psychological condition , habits , exercise and so on .
3 . The information we gather is and can only be viewed by myself and our occupational healthcare provider's doctors and nurses .
4 . Our occupational healthcare team will your answers and they will anything that needs to be looked at more closely .
5 . We out a workplace survey last autumn and the results show the following . . . .
6 . in work ability' is when the work being done is not in line with the employees professional development .
7 . There are many factors that play a role in it , such as and new tools , a lack of training opportunities , and how work is organized .
8 . I think we should Connectio's occupational health action plan in light of these survey results .
9 . Kela the employer for the costs of occupational health care only if a basic workplace survey has been carried out .
10 . Kela will reject any occupational health care compensation that are made before the workplace survey has been completed .
11 . In order to prepare a workplace survey , the occupational healthcare service visits the workplace to possible health hazards in the workplace .
12 . I hope you don't mind answering my questions about our occupational agreement .

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