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FILL THE GAPS | WAR voc. home assignment

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Insert the appropriate word in the sentence

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FILL THE GAPS | WAR voc. home assignmentVersión en línea

Insert the appropriate word in the sentence

por Ruslana Purik

1 . May I a white wine with this dish , Sir ?
2 . Eva was an - people didn't argue unless they had a lot of courage .
3 . The were responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians .
4 . The overnight took the military experts unawares .
5 . British warships began ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) German positions along the coast .
6 . Her heartbeat is only 55 at .
7 . After hard fighting , the were still masters of the city .
8 . The Romans built a wall around the city .
9 . How much do think it will cost , ?

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