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Conversation in a restaurant

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Ss will complete a text about food

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Conversation in a restaurantVersión en línea

Ss will complete a text about food

por Nataly albores

day lunch anything welcome soup very help Hello would drink like thank anything

Waiter : , Can I you ?
Kim : Yes , I'd like to have some lunch .
Waiter : Would you a starter ?
Kim : Yes , I'd like a bowl of chicken , please .
Waiter : And what you like for a main course ?
Kim : I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich .
Waiter : Would you like to ?
Kim : Yes , I'd like a glass of Coke , please .
Waiter . . . After Kim has her lunch . : Can I bring you else ?
Kim : No you . Just the bill .
Waiter : Certainly .
Kim : I don't have my glasses . How much is the ?
Waiter : That's $6 . 75 .
Kim : Here you are . Thank you much .
Waiter : You're . Have a good .
Kim : Thank you , the same to you .

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