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Words from lesson 23.08 | FILL THE GAPS

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Words from lesson 23.08 | FILL THE GAPSVersión en línea

Insert the word in the right sentence

por Ruslana Purik

1 . It is a myth that all older people struggle with the - paced evolution of information technology .
2 . I don't like the of modern life .
3 . Conditions in the prison were .
4 . The characters are one - , and none of the action is faithful to any psychological motivation .
5 . On the other hand , if you are saving for a short - term goal , five years or less , you don't want to choose risky investments because when it's time to sell , you may have to take a .
6 . Nobody likes a sore .
7 . I spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a of a time !
8 . I mean I was just , totally exhausted . I could barely walk up a flight of stairs without panting and wheezing .
9 . Have you seen the president ? - I think he is taking his at the moment .
10 . Drinking a cup of coffee at lunchtime makes me feel all afternoon .

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