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Learn about New Zealand

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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Nueva Zelanda

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Learn about New Zealand

Fill in the gaps about New Zealand

Petra Priest

Tahu Te Tasman totara taonga Tasman te Taihape Treaty trout Taupo Puke Te Tangaroa Tainui reo tennis Papa Tuhoe tour tiki Tolaga Tarawera Tasman

The Maori god of the sea is .
The Glacier is the longest in New Zealand .
The Buller and Whanganui Rivers flow into the Sea .
Ngai is a prominent South Island iwi .
Anthony Wilding was a famous New Zealand player .
The people of the Bay of Plenty are sometimes known as the " children of the mist " .
The eruption of Mount in 1886destroyed the world famous Pink and White Terraces .
North of Gisborne , the longest wharf in New Zealand is at Bay .
A large native tree is the .
Special treasures are known as .
The Maori language is often referred to as .
The of Waitangi was signed in 1840 .
A is a slang expression for a scenic trip .
Abel was the first European to sight New Zealand .
The main iwi of the Waikato region is .
The kiwifruit capital of the world is .
Gore in the South Island is famous for its fishing .
The largest lake in New Zealand is Lake .
The gumboot capital of New Zealand is .
Our major museum in Wellington is also known as .