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Useful language (FILL THE GAPS)

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Useful language (FILL THE GAPS)Versión en línea

Insert the right word

por Ruslana Purik

1 . He is an man and will soon learn the new work .
2 . Your medical are strictly confidential .
3 . Antibiotics are only available on .
4 . We saw photographs of the father with the baby on his knee .
5 . The interview showed her as a self - assured and ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ) student .
6 . We were laughing about that ( ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ) - minded professor .
7 . He is charged with causing death by driving .
8 . His whole life is to scientific research .
9 . He was thirty - eight and a bachelor , or so everyone thought , but on their second meeting he proposed .
10 . All the kids are on swimming .

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