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Periyodik Tabloda Bul (D)

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Verilen yönergeleri okuyarak, hangi elemente ait olduğunu bulalım ve periyodik tabloda işaretleyelim.

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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Periyodik Tabloda Bul (D)Versión en línea

Verilen yönergeleri okuyarak, hangi elemente ait olduğunu bulalım ve periyodik tabloda işaretleyelim.

por Sheri Prosperi
1 Element in the third period of the noble gases 2 element with atomic number 5 3 element with atomic number 12 4 I'm in the 3rd period 5A group :) 5 I'm in the 3rd period 3A group :) 6 I'm in 2nd period 1A group :) 7 Sulfur:) 8 element with atomic number 2 9 Find the potassium :) 10 element with atomic number 8 11 element with atomic number 11 12 I'm in the 4th period 7A group :) 13 Where is the nitrogen? :)) 14 I'm in 2nd period 8A group :) 15 Chromium:) 16 element with atomic number 20 17 I'm in 2nd period 4A group :) 18 Where is the barium?
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