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Past ability: Could or was able to

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Fill in the blanks with either “could,” or “was/were able to” (or their negative forms).

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Past ability: Could or was able toVersión en línea

Fill in the blanks with either “could,” or “was/were able to” (or their negative forms).

por Karla Juliana Gutierrez

able to get in touch with your mom ?

We able to get a boat from the island that day because of the bad weather

We call the insurance and they said they to cover all costs .

When I first started my career , I work long hours without a break .

Luckily , I to get to the airport on time , despite the traffic .

They hired her because they knew that she do the job well .

I touch my toes until I started doing yoga and became more flexible .

Kathy to get here on time because of the accident on the highway .

When I was in college , I met a guy who speak seven languages .

I have no idea how they to find a better deal than what we offer them .

When our company had only 25 employees we to have meetings with the entire company . Now it ? s much more difficult and requires more planning .

Ten years ago , people smoke right outside the building . Now they have to leave the business park .

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