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Pronouns 1

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Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun

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Pronouns 1Versión en línea

Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun

por optima magistra

1 . Who is that woman ? Why are you looking at ?
2 . Where are my keys ? Where did I put ?
3 . - Do you know that man ? - Yes , I work with .
4 . This book belongs to Ben . Can you give it to ?
5 . Where are the tickets ? I can't find them .
6 . We don't see neighbours much . They're not at home very often .
7 . I can't find my keys . Where are ?
8 . Did your sister pass exams ?
9 . We're going out . You can come with us .
10 . Some people talk about work all the time .
11 . I know Mr . Watson , but I don't know his wife .
12 . Alice and Tom live in London . son lives in Australia .
13 . I've got a new motorbike . Do you want to see ?
14 . We're going to have a party . We're going to invite all our friends .
15 . Anna is going out with friends this evening .
16 . Maria likes music . plays the piano .
17 . I like tennis . This is favorite sport .
18 . - Is that car ? - No , I don't have a car .
19 . I don't like dogs . I'm afraid of .
20 . I want to contact Maria . Do you know number ?
21 . Do you think most people are happy in their jobs ?
22 . I'm talking to you . Please listen to .
23 . This is a beautiful tree . Its leaves are a beautiful color .
24 . Where is Anna ? I want to talk to her .
25 . You can have these CDs . I don't want .
26 . My brother has a new job , but doesn't like very much .

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