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Focus on words

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Choose a word to complete the gaps in the sentences.

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  1. tiempo
  1. tiempo

Completar frases

Focus on wordsVersión en línea

Choose a word to complete the gaps in the sentences.

por Nenika Campos

1 . - If we want to meet the of 31st May , we ? ll have to take on more people to help us finish the job .
2 . - We keep a of all complaints we receive , and discuss them at the end of each month .
3 . - Now that we ? re halfway through the project , we should meet to review .
4 . - We didn ? t have to talk about everything , so we ? ll have to schedule another meeting for next week .
5 . - We ? ll evaluate the results of the tests when they come back from the laboratory .
6 . - We ? ll need someone to the time spent on every step in the production process .
7 . - Can you complete that before you start another one !

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