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past perfect

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complete the text using the correct form of the past perfect

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past perfectVersión en línea

complete the text using the correct form of the past perfect

por Janet Perez

Susan a party last week .

She had all her friends to her house . She invited her friends from work , her friends from university , and her friends from her neighborhood . The guests arriving at around 7 o ? clock for dinner .

Susan ? s best friend , Cindy , was there , a red dress . And Susan ? s boyfriend , Tom , was a blue suit and looked very handsome .

Cindy ? s boyfriend ? t there , because he was travelling for business . He was negotiating a big contract in Sao Paolo that day . He left the day before , and wouldn ? t be back for two more days .

Susan had lasagna , which very good . She had enough lasagna for 30 people ! She also made salad and stuffed eggplant . Everything delicious .
Her friends brought wine to the party . Everybody talked and drank wine and a good time . While they were eating , they talked about their lives and about the political situation in their country ( which was terrible , like everywhere else ) .

Susan ? t made anything for dessert , so they ate chocolate ice cream , which was delicious .

Around 11 o ? clock everyone left , except Cindy , who stayed to help Susan clean up .

Some people caught taxis to go home , and some people took the subway . Other people walked .

After Susan and Cindy finished cleaning up , they sat on the sofa and had another glass of wine and relaxed . It been a good night , and they were both very tired .

The end .

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