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Fill in the blanks with AM - IS - ARE

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Actividad para los alumnos de Inglés de la tec. en lab. quimico.

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Edad recomendada: 16 años
3 veces realizada

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Fill in the blanks with AM - IS - AREVersión en línea

Actividad para los alumnos de Inglés de la tec. en lab. quimico.

por vale drescher

1 - This week's issue about the history of science .
2 - Some features common to all of them .
3 - They eager to discover new ideas .
4 - But that how we make progress .
5 - It worth the effort .
6 - Droppers and pipettes for transferring substances .
7 - Water the only substance allowed in the wash bottles .
8 - Many substances in the lab hazardous to the skin .
9 - We 3rd year students .
10 - I a student at EFA .

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