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parts of the world (matching)

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Matching activity

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28 veces realizada

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parts of the world (matching)Versión en línea

Matching activity

por Jaime Verdugo Ramírez
1 Western Europe
2 Eastern Europe
3 Central Europe
4 Scandinavia
5 the Middle East
6 the Far East
7 Central Asia
8 South Asia
9 South-East Asia
10 Australasia
11 North Africa
12 West Africa
13 Central Africa
14 East Africa
15 Southern Africa
16 North America
17 Central America
18 South America
19 the Antarctic Peninsula
20 Antarctica
21 the Arctic Ocean
22 the North Atlantic Ocean
23 the South Atlantic Ocean
24 the Indian Ocean
25 the Pacific Ocean
26 the Southern Ocean (= the Antarctic Ocean)
27 the Mediterranean Sea
28 the Black Sea
29 the Red Sea
30 the Caspian Sea
31 the South China Sea
32 the Caribbean Sea
33 the Arabian Sea
34 the Bay of Bengal
35 the Persian Gulf
36 the Gulf of Thailand
37 the Gulf of Mexico
38 the Gulf of California
39 the Gulf of Alaska
40 the Great Australian Bight
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