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Health Vocabulary - IELTS

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Ielts - General

Vocabulary: collocations health

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Health Vocabulary - IELTSVersión en línea

Ielts - General Vocabulary: collocations health

por Dany Maldonado

Read the following text and complete with the following words :

care - infectious - to - agents - preventive - of - addiction - health - with - wealth

Diseases of Affluence - Diseases of Poverty
conditions associated with are sometimes referred to as diseases of affluence . These include diseases which are not communicable , such as Type 2 diabetes , cancer , and stroke as well as alcohol and drug , obesity and some allergies .
Risk factors for these conditions are associated the lifestyle of the economically prosperous , in particular : physical inactivity , easy availability of meat , sugar , salt and processed foods , excessive consumption alcohol and tobacco , and lower exposure infectious agents .
The diseases of poverty , in contrast , are predominantly diseases such as HIV / AIDS , tuberculosis , malaria and diarrhoeal diseases . Risk factors for these conditions include : overcrowding , inadequate sanitation , malnutrition , and inadequate access to health . Millions of lives could be saved every year by addressing these underlying problems and by simple measures such as immunizing the population against
common infectious .

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