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recounting past events

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Edad recomendada: 14 años
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recounting past events

find the missing words

david archambaud

asked afternoon had homework came did was until wanted schoolbag went can't sleep to time called played lunch stayed got didn't early staircase switched music couldn't then dinner shower told

Last Saturday , I get up because I tired . I got up at 10 . 30 am , I took a then I dressed and breakfast . At 11 . 30 I to do my homework but I find my . So I my mother : " Mum , where you put my schoolbag ? I find it " . My mother me it was under the , so I did my and at 1 pm , it was to eat . In the I my best friend and he to my house . We video games from 3 6 pm , he went back home and I in my bedroom 7 . 30 pm . I ate and at 9 . 30 I back to my bedroom to listen to . Finally , at 10 . 30 I off the light and went to .