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Causative and Passive

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Causative and Passive

rellena los huecos del texto con las siguientes palabras

Iyán Herrero

removed were´provided would´beóffended were´opened have´become are´made are´added is´now´taking´place can´t´be´ignored had are´being´cast is´believed

For decades , most of Hollywood´s profits by tickets sales in the United States . But in recent years , other markets even more important . Take China , for example , where in 2015 , an average of 22 new screens each day ! With a population around 1 . 4 billion , this huge market . China to be so important that a change in the way Hollywood films . For example , nowadays more and more Asian actors in the films in order to appeal to Chinese audiences . Sometimes , extra scenes with Chinese characters , to be shown only in Chinese cinemas . In one case , an action film was going to include Chinese villains . When producers realised that China by this , they them digitally , and replaced with North Koreans !