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Rellena los espacios con los modales. (might not, should, have to, able to, can´t, can, must not, may)

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lengua extranjera 2º bachillerato modals Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Rellena los espacios con los modales. (might not, should, have to, able to, can´t, can, must not, may)

Iyán Herrero

haveto mightnot may mightnot mustnot should can´t ableto

In 1984 , the United States adopted a new law outlawing the purchase of alcochol by people under the age of 21 . Since then , road deaths due to drink driving have declined . However , opponents of the law claim that this improvement be due to the higher drinking age , but rather to better roads and safer car design . They point out that young people are drinking more , not less - but because of the law , they drink in private , often without adult supervision . They say that the increase in excessive drinking also be because forbidden things tend to be more attractive . What´s definite is that the law is tough to enforce . Using all sorts od methods , under - 21s purchase alcohol easily .
Readers : Do you believe that the goverment repeal the law ?
- I´m 18 , so I am now vote and join the army . Isn´t it absurd that I order a glass of beer ?
- Look at all the lives this law has saved . They repeal it !