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Unit 5 Grammar 2 (Unlock Reading and Writing 3)

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Fill in the gaps

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Unit 5 Grammar 2 (Unlock Reading and Writing 3)Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Şehriban Dündar

main loss causing of because effects cause changing three cause results of number of

Complete the topic sentences using the words in the box . You will not need to use all the words . 1 mark for each correctly completed gap .
cause of changing effect number of causing devastating leading three main due because because of loss results cause change
1 Human activity is the environment to change in a ways .
2 The environment is in ways .
3 Humans are the climate change deforestation and burning fossil
fuels .
4 Rising temperatures , of biodiversity and rising sea levels are the main
of climate change .
5 Human activity is having a major on the environment , which will
many problems for human and animal life in the future .

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