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Unit 5 Grammar 1 (Unlock Reading and Writing 3)

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Fill in the gaps

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Unit 5 Grammar 1 (Unlock Reading and Writing 3)Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Şehriban Dündar

of leads because result to because result because due caused due of because

Complete the sentences using leads to , result , due , caused , because of , or because . You will need to
use some of these words and phrases more than once . 1 mark for each sentence .
1 A loss of biodiversity is dangerous to the planet it will limit new sources of food and
medicine .
2 Moving from cattle farming to producing crops may in lower greenhouse gas
emissions .
3 Island nations may be submerged rising sea levels .
4 Burning fossil fuels an increase in carbon emissions .
5 Demand for food and energy are expected to rise to the increase in the population .
6 Dry conditions following periods of drought may in forest fires .
7 The damage by environmental change grows every year .
8 The climate is changing human activity .
9 Carbon emissions are rising humans are burning fossil fuels .
10 Flooding is a potential problem to rising sea levels .

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