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Horror story - Choose the right participle clause

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Fill the blanks with the right participle clause.

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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Horror story - Choose the right participle clauseVersión en línea

Fill the blanks with the right participle clause.

por Alfred Muelas

slept fallen felt eaten put changed spoken stained stuck come heard rung

I have never like this . Some weird thought is on my mind and I don't know what to do . Now I know I should have never like that to that witch . A curse has been on me . The night has too soon . Outside , a worm has an owl . The bell atop the church has too many times since midnight . Something has on my bed while I was away . The sheets have been . The paint on the walls is black . I feel like I am going crazy . A low rumble is across the house . Can you feel it ? She is here . She has to take me away .

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