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Unit 1 Grammar 2

Completar frases

Fill in the gaps

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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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Completar frases

Unit 1 Grammar 2Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Şehriban Dündar

but whereas or Both and Neither

Complete the senetences with " and , or , but , whereas , both , neither " .

1 . The Mongolian wild horse nearly became extinct is now an endangered species .
2 . the grizzly bear and the polar bear are endangered species in some areas .
3 . I like romance films , not comedies .
4 . In Canada , grizzly bears live mainly in the forests polar bears live mainly on the ice .
5 . the Arabian oryx nor the snow leopard is safe from hunters .
6 . The American black bear is not large aggressive .

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