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Unit 1 Grammar 1

Completar frases

Fill in the gaps

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Completar frases

Unit 1 Grammar 1Versión en línea

Fill in the gaps

por Şehriban Dündar

dangerous stronger common than than more than larger than than more heavier

Use the information in sentences 1 ? 5 to complete sentences a ? e . Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives .

1 Whale sharks do not attack humans , whereas tiger sharks have attacked 119 humans since 2009 .
a Tiger sharks are whale sharks .
2 The tiger shark is not at risk of extinction , whereas the whale shark is endangered .
b The tiger shark is the whale shark .
3 Whale sharks do not have sharp teeth or a powerful bite , unlike tiger sharks .
c Tiger sharks are whale sharks .
4 The red squirrel has a typical head - and - body length of 19 to 23 centimetres , whereas the grey squirrel has a typical head - and - body length of 23 to 30 centimetres .
d The grey squirrel is the red squirrel .
5 Grey squirrels weigh more than red squirrels .
e Grey squirrels are red squirrels .

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