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How to scan an image

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Source: Check your English Vocabulary for Computing

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How to scan an image

Source: Check your English Vocabulary for Computing

Clara Asesora

format text at connected preview original Click adjust image one file editing OCR in brightness contrast software dpi all

1 . Make sure the scanner is to the computer .
2 . Lift the lid and put the on the scanner glass .
3 . For high image quality , scan 300 or higher .
4 . The scanning software will automatically do a .
5 . If the image is too dark or too light , you can the and .
6 . " scan " .
7 . If you scanned , it can be " read " by .
8 . If you want to save the image , choose a . JPEG is a good choice for photos .
9 . The scanned image can be manipulated using software .
10 . An - - printer / scanner can print , scan and copy .