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Regular and Irreguar Verbs

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Write the past simpel of the verbs.

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Edad recomendada: 21 años
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Regular and Irreguar VerbsVersión en línea

Write the past simpel of the verbs.

por Sergio AAAAAAAA

visited was saw were spent learnt went travelled rained spent

1 . Last year I ( spend ) my holiday in Ireland .
2 . It ( be ) great .
3 . I ( travel ) around by car with two friends and we ( visit ) lots of interesting places .
4 . In the evenings we usually ( go ) to a pub .
5 . One night we even ( learn ) some Irish dances .
6 . We ( be ) very lucky with the weather .
7 . It ( rain ) a lot .
8 . But we ( see ) some beautiful rainbows .
9 . Where ( spend ) your last holiday in Paris .

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