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Conversation worshop

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Read the text and then complete it with the appropriate expressions.

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Conversation worshop

Read the text and then complete it with the appropriate expressions.

Jean Marie Mirandé

loyal look commit weaknesses aware comes achieve another when forward insecure order

Teacher : Hello , welcome to this workshop of English Conversation . I am Karl , and I will be your teacher . I to starting working with you . But before , please , I would like that you introduce yourselves . Let ? s start here , please .
Diane : Well , I ? m Diane and I am 31 years old . I decided to take this workshop because I feel that , it to speaking English , I have a lot of .
Teacher : Right , Diane , thanks . I don ? t think you have a lot of weaknesses , though . Who would like to continue ?
Erick : Me . Hi , everyone , I ? m Erick . I am studying a master ? s degree and I really need English to express my thesis ideas to my tutor . I can write well in English , but I feel really when I speak .
Teacher : Thanks , Erick . I ? m sure you will improve a lot if you to the process . Who ? s next ?
Sasha : Hi , guys , I ? m Sasha , I ? m 25 and I stutter . That ? s why I registered to this course . I am of my language problem and I want to work on it . I was in course , but it didn ? t help me . So , I hope here I can progress a bit . I don ? t have to speak in public or anything , but I feel I can do better at speaking .
Teacher : Very well , people . Thanks for your introductions . I am sure you will end this workshop speaking better . But remember , you need to commit to the work to see results ; so you need to be to yourselves in to your goal .