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OL3: Sentences

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Complete the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. Remember you need to go in order, starting from number one and working your way down.

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Edad recomendada: 20 años
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OL3: SentencesVersión en línea

Complete the sentences by clicking on the words listed on the right. Remember you need to go in order, starting from number one and working your way down.

por Marietta Chela

1 . The power plant was cited for its high rate of over the past year .
2 . The tests conducted thus far indicate that the reactor unit is safe .
3 . There has been an increase of 2 . 25 million .
4 . Financial experts have signs that the economy is beginning to improve .
5 . The generators each have a of ( = can produce ) 1 , 000 kilowatts .
6 . The oil giant said it had a decision on whether to go ahead with the deal .
7 . I'm pleased to say the project is nearing .
8 . These failures the difficulty of what we're attempting to do .
9 . What measures can you take ?
10 . So what we've agreed to do is negotiations of the agreement .

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