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Brandon Molina

Yes Done Well Alright

- Hello !
- Hi , how are you ?
- Great , and you ?
- Great . I just watched the best movie in the world !
- Really ? Which one is it ?
- Spiderman : No Way Home . It really is the most amazing one
- Yes , I really like that movie . It ? s one of the best .
- Yes , it has the most interesting characters , the greatest soundtracks , and perfect dialogues
- I agree . But people still fight about who ? s the best spiderman of the three
- I know . I thing the 3 of them are the biggest heroes in their own way
- I agree . We should not compare them
- That ? s right . They are good spidermans and actors
- Probably , Tom is the funniest spiderman ha ha , and Toby is the oldest one and most mature of the three
- Haha yes . That ? s right , and Andrew would be the most charismatic of the three .
- You are right ! They create a perfect combination of spiderman . It ? s the most fantastic movie of spiderman that I have seen .
- Yes . I agree . I gotta go . See you later !
- See you ! !

! , !