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How does a computer work? EX:10

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How does a computer work? EX:10Versión en línea

Complete the gaps

por DAVID33 PM

1 . Inside a computer ( hardware ) there are two very important parts to run programs . The first one is the or for short
2 . The CPU is kind of like the of the computer
3 . The CPU helps the computer to read and to follow the that are in the program ( it is called ''execute a program''
4 . This program is loaded in the
5 . A computer uses its memory to remember wich instructions it is
6 . When a computer shows you a picture , it is using its memory . The picture is loaded on
7 . The ram memory is little tiny electrical circuits called
8 . If we are typing letters and numbers we are using a sim
9 . When we move the mouse on table or desk we move a around ( the cursor
10 . Sometimes the mouse does not have a wire , ir is a device
11 . A can show us ( displays ) the results of an operation or a picture that we want to see .
12 . All these different parts work together . It is possible because there is a program , the , that controls all these hardware component s

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