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How clean is your house

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Cleanliness in the house

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How clean is your houseVersión en línea

Cleanliness in the house

por vandeperre carla

soft Tidy scrub wax polish rugs thoroughly broom mop their Disinfect mould Polish furnishings hoover cobwebs thorough duster

Everyday / weekly cleaning
up your house , by putting away things in right places . Use a soft , dry cloth ( = ) to remove the dust from furniture . Then use the ( = vacuum cleaner ) to hoover the floors , and carpets .
If you have wooden or tiled floors , you can also sweep these with a . For smaller areas , use a dustpan and brush to sweep up dirt , dust , or broken glass , for example .
Ever so often , you can clean the floors with water . For this , you can use a long - handled and bucket ( for the water . ) If you have wooden floors , you can also them ( a sort of protective liquid that will make them shine . )
If a surface is particularly dirty , you might have to it with a scrubbing brush ( a wooden brush with stiff bristles ) or scour it ( with a tough scouring cloth ) to get rid of the marks or stains .
the toilet with toilet duck ( = a special cleaning product that contains bleach . )
Use window cleaner to clean your windows , and oven cleaner to clean your oven . Use furniture ( a type of wax ) to clean and protect wooden furniture .

Spring - cleaning
Many people spring clean their houses When winter seems to be finally over . Spring - cleaning is a clean , from top to bottom ! Here are some words to describe this :
your silver ( such as silver cutlery ) with silver polish .
Wash ( take down the curtains , or take off furniture covers ) .
Get into all the corners of your house , and clean them ? i . e . behind heavy furniture where you wouldn't normally clean .
Get rid of any on the walls , or on bathroom tiles , for example .
Clean high up or difficult areas to reach . Remove ( = spiders' nests . )
Then your house / room will be spotless .

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