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Nuclear & Natural Gas: Green Energy?

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Complete the sentences by clicking on the prepositions listed on the right. Remember you need to do it in order, so start with sentence number one and work your way down till the end, as the preposition you click automatically goes to the next availbale gap.

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Nuclear & Natural Gas: Green Energy?Versión en línea

Complete the sentences by clicking on the prepositions listed on the right. Remember you need to do it in order, so start with sentence number one and work your way down till the end, as the preposition you click automatically goes to the next availbale gap.

por Marietta Chela

1 . The EU is planning to label energy nuclear power and natural gas as " green " sources for investment .
2 . The proposal aims to support the 27 - nation bloc's shift a carbon - neutral future .
3 . The European Commission quietly distributed the text member states late Friday .
4 . France has led the charge for nuclear power - - its main energy source - - to be included , despite robust opposition Austria and scepticism Germany .
5 . It is necessary to recognise that the fossil gas and nuclear energy sectors can contribute the decarbonisation of the Union's economy .
6 . Nuclear power and natural gas projects might be included the EU's sustainable finance taxonomy .
7 . Replacing coal gas reduces total emissions hundreds of millions of tonnes annually in Europe .
8 . In continental Europe , gas - fired power plants are used to offset the fluctuations wind and solar energy production .
9 . One of the most promising alternatives is replacing natural gas hydrogen .
10 . Finland , along with other Nordic countries , can also play an important role a hydrogen economy . The good wind conditions the North offer low - cost electricity for hydrogen production .

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