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Kaj: Prepositions Olkiluoto 3

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Complete the sentences by clicking on the prepositions listed on the right. Remember you need to start with the firts sentence and work your way down in order, as the preposition you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

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Kaj: Prepositions Olkiluoto 3Versión en línea

Complete the sentences by clicking on the prepositions listed on the right. Remember you need to start with the firts sentence and work your way down in order, as the preposition you click will automatically go to the next available gap.

por Marietta Chela

1 . The projected cost overrun the new system is expected to be the region of ? 500 , 000 .
2 . The experiments were conducted scientists in New York .
3 . The reactor was originally set to begin operations 2009 .
4 . The unit is expected to be running full capacity by June .
5 . The Olkiluoto nuclear power plant has been operating 1979 in Eurajoki , near Rauma Finland's west coast .
6 . Plans a fourth reactor were abandoned in 2015 .
7 . Without denying the criticality this particular problem , there are also others that need to be considered .
8 . a press release yesterday , the company warmly welcomed the new proposals .
9 . Modification the engine to run on lead - free fuel is fairly simple .
10 . In other words , the electricity grid operator , the costs will remain the same .

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