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The Liturgical Year

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In this activity you are going to learn about the liturgical year.

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The Liturgical Year

In this activity you are going to learn about the liturgical year.

Nora Maria Karsai

celebrate birth disciple fast Triduum Pentecost Easter Lent Easter Resurrection Christmas Day Christmas

? Ordinary Time is divided into two parts . The first falls between Christmas and Lent . During this season , we the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and what it means to be his . This is a time to learn and follow the teachings of Christ in our daily lives , to grow as his followers , and to become better able to give witness to his Good news in our everyday lives .
? The season of begins on Easter Sunday evening and continues until Sunday . During the Easter season we rejoice in Jesus ? Resurrection and in the new life we have in Jesus Christ .
? Advent begins the liturgical year . During these four weeks we prepare to celebrate Jesus ? and wait for Christmas , the celebration of the coming of the Son of God , Jesus Christ .
? Ash Wednesday begins the season of . During this time we remember that Jesus suffered , died , and resurrected to new life . We pray , give alms , and in order to grow closer to Jesus and to one another .
? During the season , we celebrate that God is with us always . This season begins on , December 25 .
? The is the Church ? s greatest celebration . It lasts three days ( from Holy Thursday evening until Easter Sunday evening ) and we remember and celebrate in the liturgy , with many traditions and rituals , the suffering , Death , and of Jesus Christ .