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Complete the text 5th (Unit 6)

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Complete the text 5th (Unit 6)

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Complete the text 5th (Unit 6)Versión en línea

Complete the text 5th (Unit 6)


everything slice pies bakery stall else amazing spinach great please delicious

Mmm , I love the market . This is my favourite .
The cakes and pies look delicious . Have you got any
vegetable ?

Yes , we have . We've got broccoli - and - cheese pie or pie .

Broccoli - and - cheese pie ! That sounds delicious .
Can I have some , please ?

Yes , of course . Do you want a or a whole pie ?

Oh , just a slice , please . That's . Thanks .

Anything for you ?

Oh , yes please . Can I have some of that cake ?
It looks . What's in it ?

Carrots . It's a carrot cake . I cooked it myself .

Carrot cake . How ! I didn't know you can
make a cake with carrots .

Oh , yes . It's very good . Is that for you ?

Yes , thank you .

Right . That's four pounds fifty then , .

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