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What makes a great city?

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Unit 8A-Listening.
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What makes a great city?Versión en línea

Unit 8A-Listening. Listen and complete with the correct words.

por Heydi Porras

A few years ago , a friend asked me , " What makes a great city ? " . Despite having studied cities for more than half a century , I had no ready answer to this question . I thought about my city , with a few people in the park . I remember that the park was in front of the , where I could breathe pure air and listen to birds since that place was near the . I liked living there because my house was . On the other hand , the downtown was because thousands of people walked through the street to go to their jobs . When I was a child , my mother and I walked on those streets to go to the . I consider that the most important buildings were , , and , where people could appreciate the background of my city . Currently , there are new buildings , which are higher and more than the other ones . The truth is that I like to see those buildings because they project a atmosphere .
But , What makes a great city ? No matter how I tried , I was still unable to answer the question . I thought about the reasons people come to a city . They come to work , to shop or sightsee , and sometimes even to start a new life . Yet , whether people come to a city for a day or to live there permanently , a city must do more than contain stores , schools , libraries , residences , museums , , and other facilities . A great city must be easily accessible , safe , and friendly .

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