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A day at the beach

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Edad recomendada: 9 años
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A day at the beach

Fill in the gaps with the words using the work bank. Click on the word you think that fits better in each blank.

Irene Sánchez

some surf to volleyball shells some some play walk went any doing collecting some swimming go

Yesterday , my family and I to the beach .
Before arriving , we stopped by the store and bought food for the sandwiches we wanted to prepare for lunch : bread , cheese and ham , but we didn ? t buy mustard .
Once we bought everything , we parked and we took our backpacks with our towels and walked through the sand till we found the perfect spot .
While we were eating our sandwiches , we saw some people with colorful surfboards and other people , searching for fishes with their goggles .
Once we finished eating , my mum and I decided to go for a and my sister and my dad decided to to the volleyball field near the rocks . While walking , my mum and I saw some kids some , so I decided to take some too .
At 7pm we decided to go back to the car . We had a lot of fun .