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The Consolidation of the liberal State

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3th stop

The Consolidation of the liberal State

Nuria Tato Espinazo

Leyendas Sevilla Rimas y 17th moderates progressive Narvaez union literature moderate liberal Espartero Espartero poet Madrid 22nd alternation decade 1840 popular February writer 1870 1833

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer was born the of of 1836 in
Becquer was a Spanish romanticist and .
One of Becquer main works is ? ? , which is a combination of dispersed poems and stories joined in one of the most books in Spanish .
Becquer died the of December in in .
Mª Cristina from - and 1840 - 1843 are part of the regencies .
Reign participated in the of 1844 - 1854 and the biennium of 1854 - 1856 and finally the between the and the of 1856 - 1868 .
was a Spanish marshal and statesman . He served as the Regent of the Realm as well as three times as Prime Minister .
was a Spanish conquistador and soldier in the Americas .