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Youngest phicist scientist Prize

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Youngest phicist scientist PrizeVersión en línea

Complete the gaps with the correct word

por malu Russo

A . The Open source Research Consortium , a group has recognized .
B . I now have a results that I believe to be .
C . The teenager said he transformed an old playroom .
D . . . . to heat deuterium gas and fuse the nuclei to energy
E . After that , I a list of parts I needed .
F . I got off those parts off eBay primarily and then the parts that I managed to e Bay weren't exactly what I needed . I think there is a great until they see it
H . However , scientist are likely to remain , until Oswald's workings are ssubject to verification .
I . Still , the teenager may now have the previous recorde holder , Tailor Wilso n

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