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Edad recomendada: 13 años
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I wishVersión en línea

Fill the gaps with the correct words!

por Dóra Kotánczi

1 . I wish I naturally blond hair . ( have )
2 . Suzanne wished her parents so far away . ( not live )
3 . I wish I learning English when I was a child . ( start )
4 . This flat is so cold ! I wish it central heating . ( have )
5 . I wish we more expensive seats . I can't see a thing ! ( buy )
6 . The party sounds as if it was a great fun . I wish I there . ( be )
7 . Is it only 5 o'clock ? I wish it so dark so early in winter . ( not get )
8 . I wish I speak French . It would be useful in this job . ( can )
9 . This suitcase is too heavy . I wish I so many clothes . ( not pack )
10 . I'm really tired . I wish we by car instead of deciding to walk . ( go )
11 . I wish I an online child . I'd love to have brothers and sisters . ( not be )
12 . I'd love to be able to play the piano . I wish I when I was a child . ( learn )

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