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Wellbeing at Sponda: Prepositions

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Complete the sentences by clicking on one of the prepositions listed. Remember you need to do it in order, so start with the first sentence and work your way down, as the preposition you click automatically goes to the next available gap.

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Wellbeing at Sponda: PrepositionsVersión en línea

Complete the sentences by clicking on one of the prepositions listed. Remember you need to do it in order, so start with the first sentence and work your way down, as the preposition you click automatically goes to the next available gap.

por Marietta Chela

1 . Sponda's participatory strategy planning , clear communication about the company ? s direction , and jointly planned events led a significant increase in employee satisfaction .
2 . This is what the new CEO , Christian Hohenthal , emphasised when he met in person with each Sponda employee after taking his position as the company ? s CEO the spring of 2020 .
3 . The response rate the surveys was nearly 100% .
4 . We then considered how the changes would affect our operations in practice , and what their impact would be our stakeholders .
5 . We aim to pay attention our employees and celebrate their achievements .
6 . Employees have learned each other ? s interests and areas of expertise .
7 . We are a forerunner sustainability and have both extensive market knowledge and investment capacity .
8 . Based the feedback , we can quickly take corrective measures if needed .
9 . Real employee satisfaction , the kind that drives the company forward , comes meaningful work and a corporate culture that genuinely creates added value .
10 . One of the main activities Sponda ? s 30th anniversary party will be the Sponda Awards , at which the company ? s employees will we rewarded .

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