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Livingstone - Past Simple - Fill in Gaps

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Past Simple - Livingstone - Fill in Gaps

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Livingstone - Past Simple - Fill in GapsVersión en línea

Past Simple - Livingstone - Fill in Gaps

por Kateřina Niesigová

Livingstone a Scottish doctor . He African languages and many years living in Africa .
In 1843 Livingstone  a lion but , before it , it almost his left arm . Livigstone often ill with malaria . Livingstone a gold medal for crossing Africa from west to east . He the Zambezi River in 1851 . In 1866 , he to look for the source of the Nile .
While he was exploring , Livingstone for months . People  thought he was dead . An American newspaper reporter to look for him . It took him over a year . He him in a small village . He a good friend of Livingstone's and they together to Lake Tanganyika in 1872 . When Livingstone died in 1873 , his followers his body 2 , 500 kilometres to the coast . The journey  five months , and ten men on the way . Livingstone a hero to the British .

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