-
Being
born
Latino
in
the
United
States
means
that
although
are
bilingual
,
we
do
have
a
reputation
for
butchering
the
Spanish
language
.
We
sometimes
butcher
English
too
.
Things
like
"
cantaloupe
"
and
"
honeydew
"
really
confuse
me
,
at
my
house
,
wich
is
"
melón
"
and
"
melon
verde
"
.
Lime
and
lemon
was
just
"
limón
"
and
"
limón
verde
"
so
invited
some
of
my
friends
from
Pero
Like
to
talk
about
words
that
confuse
them
.
-
get
with
"
butter
"
and
"
makeup
"
all
the
time
.
"
Butter
"
is
"
mantequilla
"
and
"
makeup
"
is
"
maquillaje
"
.
-
Sal
-
mon
.
Salmon
.
Salmon
.
Why
is
there
an
"
l
"
on
sa
-
men
,
and
you
don't
pronounce
it
?
this
make
no
sense
.
-
When
I'm
talking
to
my
mom
,
and
it's
like
I'm
talking
in
Spanish
,
it's
like
,
think
in
English
,
and
then
when
the
words
,
they're
like
wrong
.
My
mom's
like
:
"
así
no
se
pronuncia
eso
"
-
There
are
two
words
in
English
that
actually
hate
saying
because
it
gets
of
context
,
and
it's
"
sheet
"
,
like
sheet
of
paper
,
and
"
beach
"
,
like
Oh
,
let's
go
to
the
bitch
,
you
know
,
give
me
a
shit
of
paper
,
and
that's
not
what
you
want
when
you're
speaking
with
people
.
-
didn't
realize
until
was
in
elementary
school
,
"
Esprite
"
at
a
deli
,
and
my
friends
laughed
at
me
because
my
whole
life
,
until
was
years
old
,
thought
it
was
"
Esprite
"
but
it
was
actually
Sprite
.
-
In
Spanish
you
say
,
you
know
,
"
voy
a
pasar
un
trapo
,
voy
a
pasar
una
escoba
"
-
My
mom
would
say
"
voy
a
pasar
la
aspiradora
"
and
that
was
like
,
passing
the
vacuum
.
-
But
in
English
,
you
don't
say
pass
.
-
Like
say
that
,
and
realize
that
that
isn't
the
way
you
in
English
,
but
isn't
,
"
I'm
gonna
pass
the
vacuum
"
like
way
more
fun
?
-
feel
like
whenever
I'm
talking
to
my
boyfriend
,
he
doesn't
speak
Spanish
,
so
if
I'm
explaining
something
and
don't
know
how
to
explain
it
,
I'll
be
like
,
ooh
,
don't
know
how
to
explain
it
in
English
.
And
he's
like
,
"
Yeah
,
don't
know
Spanish
,
Julisa
"
and
I'm
like
,
"
Give
me
a
couple
of
minutes
so
could
research
my
brain
and
could
out
"
-
had
a
lot
of
struggles
figuring
out
the
difference
between
the
masculine
and
feminine
,
because
you
would
think
intuitively
like
,
oh
,
"
problema
"
ends
with
an
,
but
it
isn't
"
la
problema
"
,
would
always
say
"
La
problema
es
"
,
and
that's
wrong
because
"
problema
"
is
actually
masculine
,
so
it's
"
el
problema
"
.
-
It's
also
okay
to
admit
that
you
don't
know
something
.
If
your
mother
who
speaks
mostly
Spanish
says
a
word
in
English
and
somebody
makes
her
,
you
would
fuckin'
hate
that
person
.
So
why
is
it
okay
for
someone
to
make
fun
of
you
when
you
don't
understand
a
word
in
Spanish
?
It's
definitely
okay
to
keep
learning
every
single
day
,
dive
your
roots
,
on
both
ends
,
and
enjoy
yourself
and
enjoy
your
version
of
the
language
.