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Listen and complete the dialogues with the words from the box

por Diana SP

- Being born Latino in the United States means that although are bilingual , we do have a reputation for butchering the Spanish language . We sometimes butcher English too .
Things like " cantaloupe " and " honeydew " really confuse me , at my house , wich is " melón " and " melon verde " . Lime and lemon was just " limón " and " limón verde " so I invited some of my friends from Pero Like to talk about words that confuse them .
- I get with " butter " and " makeup " all the time . " Butter " is " mantequilla " and " makeup " is " maquillaje " .
- Sal - mon . Salmon . Salmon . Why is there an " l " on sa - men , and you don't pronounce it ? this make no sense .
- When I'm talking to my mom , and it's like I'm talking in Spanish , it's like , I think in English , and then when the words , they're like wrong . My mom's like : " así no se pronuncia eso "
- There are two words in English that I actually hate saying because it gets of context , and it's " sheet " , like sheet of paper , and " beach " , like Oh , let's go to the bitch , you know , give me a shit of paper , and that's not what you want when you're speaking with people .
- I didn't realize until I was in elementary school , I " Esprite " at a deli , and my friends laughed at me because my whole life , until I was 10 years old , I thought it was " Esprite " but it was actually Sprite .
- In Spanish you say , you know , " voy a pasar un trapo , voy a pasar una escoba "
- My mom would say " voy a pasar la aspiradora " and that was like , passing the vacuum .
- But in English , you don't say pass .
- Like I say that , and I realize that that isn't the way you in English , but isn't , " I'm gonna pass the vacuum " like way more fun ?
- I feel like whenever I'm talking to my boyfriend , he doesn't speak Spanish , so if I'm explaining something and I don't know how to explain it , I'll be like , ooh , I don't know how to explain it in English . And he's like , " Yeah , I don't know Spanish , Julisa " and I'm like , " Give me a couple of minutes so I could research my brain and I could out "
- I had a lot of struggles figuring out the difference between the masculine and feminine , because you would think intuitively like , oh , " problema " ends with an A , but it isn't " la problema " , I would always say " La problema es " , and that's wrong because " problema " is actually masculine , so it's " el problema " .
- It's also okay to admit that you don't know something . If your mother who speaks mostly Spanish says a word in English and somebody makes her , you would fuckin' hate that person . So why is it okay for someone to make fun of you when you don't understand a word in Spanish ? It's definitely okay to keep learning every single day , dive your roots , on both ends , and enjoy yourself and enjoy your version of the language .

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