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Migrations (Cambridge C1Vocab)

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Complete the text about people who leave their home country to live somewhere else.

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Migrations (Cambridge C1Vocab)Versión en línea

Complete the text about people who leave their home country to live somewhere else.

por Alexander James Thirkell

professionals seekers contract refugees illegal Settlers workers asylum expatriates immigrants

are people who intend to live permanently in a new country . Most head for just a few main countries , for example , the USA .

Some will succeed in their aims and gain legal status as residents of the country they have moved to . These people are technically called , although this term is most commonly used by people from English - speaking nations to describe people from more developed countries living abroad .

Migrants who leave their homes to escape danger or persecution may also be looking for a permanent new home . Until their claims are dealt with , they are known as , and if their claims are accepted they will be classified as . In some cases of mass flight , when thousands of people escape across a border , they are immediately granted this status .

Looking for a job , a better income , or perhaps just an experience , other migrants are admitted to countries as . They are allowed to stay in their destination country on the understanding that it is for a specific period . Some are seasonal employees . Others will stay in the new country for a year or more . These include employees of multinational corporations who are moved from country to country . These people are often with specialist knowledge in their field .

Some migrants overstay their visas or work whilst in the country on tourist visas . When this happens they become in the eyes of the officials . They may also try to enter a country , often endangering their own lives , by being smuggled in by people they have paid for this service .

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