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Late for school?

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Edad recomendada: 11 años
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Late for school?Versión en línea


por Lucía Sánchez

heard policeman clock train say help faster school nothing parents woke enough train matter school bus midday have fast school cried too today ran Sunday shouting eight teeth station yesterday looked

Every morning John catches the to at eight o'clock . But , he woke up at half past ! He got dressed quickly , brushed his and left . He didn't have time for breakfast or to good - bye to his . John to the bus stop . But he was late for his bus . " I will take the . It's much " , he thought . He asked a where the was , and walked there as as he could ! But when he got there , the was already leaving . Suddenly , he at the station . It was already ! John couldn't believe it . There was he could do now . He started , " Somebody me ! I need to get to ! " Then John his mum saying , " John , what's the ? " He up . " I'm late for mum ! " he . " But it's . You don't to go to school , " said his mum .

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