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Completar frases

This exercise includes sentences taken from the first part of the chapter that students have to complete.

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Completar frases

CHAPTER 10 COMPLETEVersión en línea

This exercise includes sentences taken from the first part of the chapter that students have to complete.

por naldy arteaga oliva

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Product managers that brands offer more than product identification and a means to their products from those of competitors .
Marketers can and do a brand with a personality through advertising that a certain user or usage situation and emotions or feelings to be associated with the brand .
Brand equity doesn't just happen . It is carefully and by marketing programs that strong , favorable , and unique customer associations and experiences with a brand .
The recognition that brands are is apparent in the decision to buy and sell brands .
Successful brand requires careful marketing analysis to a proper fit between the brand and the products .
Brand equity , in this instance , is represented by the a consumer will pay for one brand over another when the functional benefits are identical .

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