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THE FAB FOURVersión en línea

Complete the text with the words in the box.

por MaNuel Btz

innovation cheered frustrations Beatles parents politics because aggressive influence Queen Glam identity economic future

Four decades of British bandsI

The Swinging Sixties

This was a time of creativity and for British music . Britain was experiencing a period of growth and in the 1960s , teenagers wanted to be different from their . They were the first generation to create a genuine youth culture and they expressed their through their fashion and their tastes in music . The defined this decade . They had a huge on popular culture and their distinctly British sound had simple melodies , clever lyrics and rhythmic guitar work . They loved playing chords and using vocal harmonies and their music people up .

Sounds of the Seventies .

The early 1970s was the era of rock with artists like David Bowie and . In the mid - 1970s , a new type of music emerged at the same time as an economic decline in the UK : punk . It was and loud and many people saw punk as anti - establishment , anti - and anti - pop . A lot of young people felt angry and rebellious they were unemployed and thought that they had no . They had strong opinions so they used punk to express their concerns and . Siouxsie and the Banshees , with Susan Ballion on lead vocals , were a famous British punk band .

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