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B3L3 Prometheus

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B3L3 Prometheus

Review of the text

芳君 劉

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At a time when there were all - powerful gods in the universe , a Titan as Prometheus created human beings out of . His brother Epimetheus then gave all living creatures on earth different . Epimetheus gave animals speed , strength , fur , and wings . the time he got to human beings , however , he had run out of gifts . To make up for their weaker state , Prometheus them to stand upright like the gods . Kind and , he also gave them fire so that they could keep warm , cook food , and make tools .

However , Prometheus's love humankind brought him into with Zeus , the king of the Olympian gods . When the gods and humans met at Mecone to decide on the of sacrifices humans should make to the gods , Prometheus Zeus for the benefit of humans . He slaughtered a bull and created two offerings . One was a pile of beef hidden inside a bull's stomach , and was a pile of bones covered in shiny fat . He then asked Zeus to choose . The king of the gods chose the second one , believing there must be juicy meat underneath the fat , but he ended up with nothing but bones . As a result , from that day on , humans would keep the meat for themselves and burn animal bones as an offering to the gods .

Angry about being tricked , Zeus took fire away from humankind . it , humans began to starve and freeze . to make tools or weapons , they had to live in caves and often wild beasts . Prometheus saw how miserable they were and decided to help . He took a stalk of fennel and lit its hollow center with fire that he had stolen from the sun . Then , he gave humans this stalk with the fire inside it .

Furious about Prometheus's theft , Zeus punished the Titan by him to a place far to the East . There , Prometheus was chained to a rock , and an eagle sent by Zeus Prometheus's liver . Though his liver kept growing back , the eagle would return every day to it again , torturing Prometheus until the end of time . his sacrifice and love for humans , Prometheus , gift of fire thus set the stage for human civilization , be known in later centuries as ? The Champion of Humankind . ?