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Read the conversation, look at the words and place them in the correct place.

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Pre task Versión en línea

Read the conversation, look at the words and place them in the correct place.

por Doribeth Jarquín Calvo

budget agenda delivering design sketches deadlines managing price discount project ideas orders discuss negotiating update meeting met reasonable proposal

A : Hello everyone ! Everyone is here , so we can start the . Sara , let's go over the .
B : We have to the P&G , and establish the hand in dates for the recent big .
A : Ok . Let's begin ! Kathy can you tell us the on the P&G project .
C : Certainly , Sir . We with the people from P&G yesterday and they seemed happy with the package that we showed them . As you know , they want to launch a new eco - friendly detergent , so we have to help them with for the package .
A : Great . Sounds perfect . I would like to see some by Monday . Would that be possible ?
C : Sure , no problem sir .
A : Ok moving on , do we provide them a ? Did they accept the ?
C : Yes , we are a possible .
A : O . k . Let's move on to for big orders . Tell us about it Patrick .
B : Sure sir ! ! We are from two to three weeks time for big orders more than $1000
A : It sounds ! !

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