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Read the conversation, look at the words, and place them in the correct place.

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Edad recomendada: 17 años
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Costa Rica

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Read the conversation, look at the words, and place them in the correct place.

por Doribeth Jarquín Calvo

Sure our think consider think discuss should good work thanks ideas in skills ideas problem like need think plus consider your we opinion idea that

A : Hello everyone I would like to possible training , certificates , courses you would like to take to improve your as a graphic designer .
B : I the company consider looking for a Google Ads certificate for the staff , it would be a .
C : We can also implement web designing certifications , I to improve those skills .
D : I taking a photography course is a because we have a lot of clients who ask for photo packages .
A : I . Jeffry , can you elaborate more on web designing certifications ?
B : , no . In my , I that if we get a certificate in web designing we can expand the services we already offer . .
A : Well , all for your . We would definitely all of them .

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