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At a hotel

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At a hotelVersión en línea

Complete the dialogue

por Darya Gavrilova

got bill book check reserve fully leave lift have storeroom charge help key available for check served charge fill

Dialogue 1
Receptionist : Hello , Plaza Hotel . May I you ?
Guest : Good morning , I'd like to a single room for two nights please .
Receptionist : When , sir ?
Guest : Next Monday , April 3rd .
Receptionist : Let me just . . . Yes we have one single room .
Guest : Great . How much is the per night ?
Receptionist : Seventy euros , sir .
Guest : OK , that's fine .
Receptionist : Can I your name , please ?
Guest : Yes , it's Caulson . Robert Caulson . That's C - A - U - L - S - O - N
Receptionist : OK , I've that . What time will you be arriving ?
Guest : Around 8pm .
Receptionist : Thank you and have a nice day .
Dialogue 2
Receptionist : Good morning sir , how may I help you ?
Guest : Hello , I've booked a single for tonight . The name's Caulson , C - A - U - L - S - O - N .
Receptionist : Yes , sir . Could you in this form , please ?
Dialogue 3
Receptionist : Hello , Plaza Hotel .
Guest : Hello , I'd like to book a single room for this Friday to Sunday , please .
Receptionist : I'm afraid the hotel is booked on Saturday and Sunday . Would you like to a room for Friday ?
Dialogue 4
Receptionist : Here is your key . Your room number is 302 . Just take the over there to the third floor .
Guest : Thank you . What time do I have to out by tomorrow ?
Receptionist : Checkout time is 12pm .
Guest : And can you tell me what time breakfast is ?
Receptionist : Breakfast is served from 8 to 11am .
Dialogue 5
Guest : I'd like to check out , please . My name is Robert Caulson , room 302 . Here's the .
Receptionist : Just a moment , sir . . . Here's your .
Guest : Can you tell me what this is for ?
Receptionist : That's for the drinks you ordered last night .
Guest : OK . Can I pay by credit card ?
Receptionist : Yes , of course .
Guest : One more thing . I have a train to catch in a few hours . Can I my bags somewhere till then ?
Receptionist : Certainly . You can leave them in the over there .
Guest : Thank you . Goodbye .

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